
2014年11月21日 星期五

Google Earth之世界軍港巡禮-秘魯海軍(World Naval Base Tour of Google Earth-Marina de Guerra del Perú / Peruvian Navy)-2014

Flag Counter
Naval Forces are subordinated to the Ministry of Defense and ultimately to the President as Commander-in-Chief of the Peruvian Armed Forces.
They are organized as follows:
  • Comandancia General de la Marina(Navy General Command)
    • Estado Mayor General de la Marina(Navy General Staff)
    • Inspectoría General de la Marina(Navy General Inspectorate)
Operational units are divided between three commands:
Comandancia General de Operaciones del Pacífico
Pacific Operations General Command, it comprises the following units:
  • Fuerza de Superficie(Surface Force)
  • Fuerza de Submarinos(Submarine Force)
  • Fuerza de Aviación Naval(Naval aviation Force)
  • Fuerza de Infantería de Marina(Naval Infantry Force)
  • Fuerza de Operaciones Especiales(Special Operations Force)
Comandancia General de Operaciones de la Amazonía
Amazon Operations General Command, tasked with river patrolling in the Peruvian portion of the Amazon Basin.
Dirección General de Capitanías y Guardacostas
Coast Guard, tasked with law enforcement on Peruvian territorial waters, rivers and lakes.


1 x cruiser(七省級(De Zeven Provinciën class))
7 x frigates(魯波級(Lupo class))
6 x submarines(209/1200(Type 209/1200 class))
1 x amphibious transport dock(望加錫級(Makassar class))
2 x Landing Ship, Tank(Terrebonne Parish class)
6 x corvettes(PR-72P class)
1 x Replenishment Ship(BAP Tacna (ARL-158), 跟荷蘭訂購2015年交艦)

Special mission
F60 (MPA) 2
King Air 200 (MPA) 3
An-32 2
F60 2
Combat helicopter
Bell 206 1
Bell 212 2
Mi-8 2
S-61/UH-3H 5
Training aircraft/helicopters
Enstrom F-28 3
T-34 2
