
2013年11月5日 星期二

旅遊+休閒雜誌亞洲最佳城市(Travel + Leisure Top Cities in Asia)-2013

Travel+Leisure 的亞洲最佳城市由泰國(曼谷與清邁)日本(京都與東京)與中國(香港與上海)各包辦兩個。其他入榜的國家還有柬埔寨(暹粒)、新加坡、韓國(首爾)與越南(河內)。
Flag Counter

Top Cities in Asia

Rank '12 Name Score
1 1 Bangkok Hall of Fame 90.40
2 3 Kyoto, Japan Hall of Fame 89.31
3 - Chiang Mai, Thailand 88.15
4 4 Siem Reap, Cambodia 87.56
5 2 Hong Kong Hall of Fame 86.76
6 6 Tokyo 86.44
7 7 Singapore 86.11
8 5 Shanghai 83.97
9 - Seoul, South Korea Debut 83.01
10 - Hanoi, Vietnam 81.93
- means that the winner was not among the top-ranked in this category last year.
Debutdenotes a World's Best Awards debut.
Budgetdenotes a rate of $250 or less
Hall of Famedenotes Hall of Fame
T+L Finddenotes T+L Find
Throughout the World’s Best Awards, scores are rounded to the nearest hundredth of a point; in the event of an exact tie, properties, companies, or destinations share the same ranking.  
