
2023年1月1日 星期日

各國常用的軍艦艦名-義大利王國海軍/義大利海軍(Naval Famous Name Warships-Regia Marina/Italian Navy)-2023

而義大利在一戰的搖擺政策,從德奧義三國同盟(Central Powers)突然變節到英法俄的協約國(Entente Powers),也因而最後變成戰勝國。也在一戰後得以接收鄂圖曼土耳其帝國與奧匈帝國等國在地中海的勢力範圍,並在華盛頓海軍公約的制定下,一舉在二戰前躍升為世界海軍五強,不過義大利的主力海軍艦隊在一二戰都沒有太大的具體戰績表現,而在二戰初期英國皇家海軍對義大利王國海軍主要軍港塔蘭多也發動了代號審判行動(Operation Judgement)的史上第一次航空母艦空襲港內軍艦行動,也讓義大利王國海軍主力艦艇損失慘重,因此後來義大利海軍在地中海也沒有太大的軍事活動與表現。而塔蘭多戰役或許給了日本聯合艦隊一個空襲戰略的參考與重要啟發,聯合艦隊總司令山本五十六後來發動了代號虎!虎!虎!(Tora!Tora!Tora!)的珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)空襲行動,空襲美國在夏威夷的太平洋艦隊。

Flag Counter

Andrea Doria
  • Italian ironclad Andrea Doria, a pre-dreadnought battleship completed in 1891, stricken in 1911, used as a defensive floating battery during World War I, and scrapped in 1929

  • Italian battleship Andrea Doria, a dreadnought battleship completed in 1916 and stricken in 1956 which saw service in both World War I and World War II

  • SS Andrea Doria, an ocean liner launched in 1951 and sunk in 1956

  • Italian cruiser Andrea Doria, a missile-launcher cruiser commissioned in 1964 and decommissioned in 1992

  • Italian destroyer Andrea Doria, an Orizzonte-class destroyer commissioned in 2007.


  • Italian battleship Conte di Cavour, a Conte di Cavour-class battleship launched in 1911 and sunk in 1945.

  • Italian aircraft carrier Cavour, an aircraft carrier launched in 2004.

Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • Italian frigate Giuseppe Garibaldi

  • Italian cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi (1899), armoured cruiser

  • Italian cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi (1936), light cruiser, recommissioned in 1961 as guided missile cruiser

  • Italian aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi, launched in 1983; commissioned on 30 September 1985; is in service as flagship of Marina Militare

Leonardo da Vinci

  • Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci, a Conte di Cavour-class battleship launched in 1911 and sunk in 1916.

  • Italian submarine Leonardo da Vinci (1939), a Marconi-class submarine launched in 1939 and sunk in 1943.

  • Italian submarine Leonardo da Vinci (S 510), a Gato-class submarine launched in 1942 as USS Dace for the United States Navy and transferred in 1955. She was returned in 1972.

  • Italian submarine Leonardo da Vinci (S 520), a Sauro-class submarine launched in 1979 and decommissioned in 2010.

Vittorio Veneto

  • Italian battleship Vittorio Veneto - a Littorio-class battleship

  • Italian cruiser Vittorio Veneto - a unique helicopter carrying cruiser

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